Code Syntax Highlighting for HTML

Grok time ~1 minute

I decided to remove the syntax highlighting scripts. They're great and it's nice to not do it manually but I don't own my own server. No other option works fast enough to not significantly delay the page loads on Blogger. I'm looking into getting my own server again.

In the meantime, here's an easy enough process:
  1. Copy/paste code into:
  2. Change background color to black.
  3. Choose a language. I used IDL for GDB and bash for metasploit. Everything else is easy.
  4. Click Highlight
  5. Remove this on the first line: <html><body style='color:#d1d1d1; background:#000000; '><pre>. Seems to be a bug.
  6. For bash (and probably others), change the purple color #40015a to #66347B. The former is too dark. I like W3's color picker.
For better or worse, doing it manually at least means no browser has to take the time to run a script and render it.